Last Saturday"Sinterklaas"(Santa Claus) has arrived in the Netherlands. From now on till his name day (the 5th of December), children in the Netherlands put one of their shoes in front of the fire, with something for "Sinterklaas" or his horse in their shoes, so hopefully overnight they receive something from "Sinterklaas". So did Lisa, hopefully she finds something in here boot tommorow. On the 5th of december we celebrate his name day with gifts.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Mummy Lisa
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Saint Martin's day
Today is a big day, tonight all children go with their paper laterns into the neighbourhood to sing a song for a sweet. That's because it's Saint Martin's day. Lisa made a nice paper latern at the creche and learned a few Saint Martin's day songs as well. Around 5 o'clock in the evening, it's time to start, with Mama she goes by the doors in the neighbourhood. After 45 minutes Lisa thinks enough is enough, the back-pack is filled with sweets so we go home.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
First tooth
Finally, Bridget got a first tooth (rightunder). It was bothering her for a while and today it broke through. We can feel the one beside it (leftunder) as well.