Sunday, May 18, 2008

Indoor playground

Today we went to an indoor playground. Of course that was big fun!.Above you can see Bridget and papa on a big policemotor.

There is also time for extra energy.

Papa upside down in a "wheel".

Lisa had a great time on the trampoline.

At the end of the day we had dinner in the playground restaurant.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Birthday party

Because of the May holidays it was delayed for 2 weeks, but today was the day Lisa had her birthday party. She invited 5 girlfriends: Annika, Jasmijn, Leonie, Majke en Valerie. it was a great afternoon with lots of presents for Lisa and games and prices for the girls.

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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Cosgrove 2b

For those who don't know yet, another Cosgrove is due in September. Today, I got a midterm scan, below the first pictures of a Cosgrove2b.
Above the profile of the baby.
On the second picture the baby is looking at us ;-)